SCOTTIE, (Society for the Control of Troublesome Toxic Emissions) was a campaigning organisation set up in May 1976 to oppose the Re-Chem plant at Bonnybridge. The local population were concerned about the emissions from the site an the possible effect this might have.
From 1976 to 1984, SCOTTIE maintained a local and national campaign for an investigation into Re-Chem's methods. The plant was alleged to have caused toxic emissions which were linked to a higher than average level of deformities and disabilities in local children and which affected the cattle grazing locally. A local farmer took the company to court separately from SCOTTIE.
After the closure of Re-Chem in Sept 1984, SCOTTIE continued in existence because Re-Chem still held a license to operate at the site.
SCOTTIE became a knowledgeable campaigning group, taking on a more advisory role to other environmental groups. Their membership of Communities Against Toxins (CATs), which acted as a network linking environmental groups across the UK, resulted in a steady flow of letters asking for help and advice. This change in their role continued into the 1990s. SCOTTIE also took part in other local campaigns such as plans to build an incinerator at Falkirk & District Royal Infirmary.
SCOTTIIE disbanded in 2003 due to dwindling membership and the decline in their activities.


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